Now is the time for marching,
Now let your hearts be gay,
Hark to the merry bugles
Sounding along our way.
So let your voices ring, my boys,
And take the time from me,
And I'll sing you a song as we march along,
Of Sussex by the Sea! 1
To mark the centenary of the First World War the Ashdown Forest Research Group wrote case studies of all the men—113 in total—who died while on military service during the war and who are commemorated by the war memorials at Forest Row and Hartfield, Sussex. These villages lie on the northern fringes of Ashdown Forest and traditionally have strong links with the forest. Click here to read an illustrated online essay which presents an overview of how the project was undertaken and which discusses the key findings that have emerged from the research. The studies are updated from time to time in the light of new information, and we welcome any corrections, supplementary information or photographs that may be of interest. Please contact us by email. Click on any man's name below to view their case study.
Commemorated at Forest Row
Baker, Pte George Frank
Martin, Capt William Gerald
Bannister, L/Cpl William Henry
Miles, Pte Walter Alfred George
Biddlecombe, Seaman Henry George
Mills, L/Cpl Albert
Brand, Pte Albert Victor
Mitchell, Pte Albert
Brooker, Pte Charles Frederick
Padgham, Pte Spencer
Brownlow, Capt Wilfred Herbert Cecil
Padgham, Pte William
Cannon, Pte Ernest Edward
Page, Pte Harry
Cook, Pte Sidney Herbert
Pannett, Pte Reginald Henry
Cox, Pte Raymond
Parker, Pte Edward John
Draper, Bomb. Thomas James
Parker, Pte William George
Dunstan, Cpl Herbert George
Richardson, Pte Albert Edward
Edwards, Pte Frederick Robert
Robinson, Lt Cyril Charles
Farley, Sh.Sm. Victor Frederick
Robson, Pte Robert Charles
Fisher, 2nd Lt Edmund Montagu Prinsep
Sands, Pte Alfred Jesse
Fisher, Capt George Kenneth Thompson
Sands, Pte William Thomas
Gladman, Pte Archibald Frederick
Simmons, Pte James
Gordon, 2nd Lt Ronald Granville
Simpson, Lt George
Grayer, Pte Harold
Sippetts, Sgt Jack Frederick
Gregory, Pte George
Snelgrove, Lt Sidney Henry
Grisbrook, Cpl Llewellyn Alfred
Southey, Dvr Frederick Charles
Holmwood, Pte Frederick
Styles, Pte William Joseph
Horlick, Maj Gerald Nolekin
Sykes, Lt Col William Ernest
Kekewich, Capt George
Syms, Pte Charles
Kekewich, Capt Hanbury Lewis
Thomsett, Pte Philip
Kekewich, Capt John
Tomsett, Pte Albert Ernest Standen
Kensett, Pte Henry James
Upton, Pte Albert James
Lawrence, Capt Michael Charles
Upton, Stoker Arthur
Lawrence, Capt Oliver John
Villiers, Lt Algernon Hyde |
Lucas, Capt Keith
Waters, Lt Eric Gordon
Luxford, BSM Bernard
Webber, Pte Frederick Percy
Luxford, Gnr Edward James
White, Pte Albert Henry
Luxford, Sgt William
Whitfield, Capt Nigel Bernard
Martin, Pte Walter
Commemorated at Hartfield
Bassett, Spr Albert
May, L/Cpl Ernest William
Bassett, Pte James Baldwin
Medhurst, Spr John Arthur
Baylay, Lt George Frederick
Mellor, Pte Benjamin Charles
Boakes, Pte Ernest Stanley
Melville, Lt William Woodfall
Brown, Pte William George
Peel, 2nd Lt Charles William
Burfoot, Pte Bertram
Polehampton, Lt Frederick William
Divall, Pte Edward
Shelley, Spr Ewbert John
Divall, Pte Reginald
Stevens, Pte Charles Edward
Edwards, Pte Frederick Sylvester
Stevenson, Pte George William
Fielder, L/Cpl Edward Cecil
Stevenson, Pte John
Fielder, L/Cpl Frederick Stephen
Sumner, Pte Alfred William
Fry, CSM Frederick Samuel
Tester, Pte William Edgar
Harding, Pte Ernest
Tibbles, Pte Frederick Charles
Heasman, Pte George James
Titcomb, Pte Arthur William
Hill, Gnr Frederick William
Vaughan, Dvr Ernest Stanley
Honeysett, Pte Thomas Edward
Weeding, Tpr George
Humphrey, Pte Thomas
Weeding, Pte John
Hyder, Pte Frank
Weekes, Pte David
Kennard, Pte Arthur
Wheatley, Pte Doctor
Killick, Pte William
Wheatley, L/Cpl George
Leney, Pte Cyril Henry
Wheatley, Pte Harry
Maskell, Pte George
Wheatley, L/Cpl William James
Maskell, Pte Harry George
Woodhams, Sgt Thomas Henry
Maskell, Pte Mark
Post-war casualty: Wheatley, O/S Charlie
Parliamentary Recruiting Committee poster, 1915
This poster serves as a reminder that the devastating fighting on the Western Front during the First World War took place only a relatively short distance away from Sussex across the English Channel. For example, Ypres, shown on the poster by the soldier's left foot, lay only 125 miles away from Ashdown Forest. The constant rumble of the heavy bombardments could be heard, as the headmaster of Fletching School, Robert Saunders, noted in a letter to his son in Canada: 'The great blot on everything is the thud and throb of the guns night and day in France, and yesterday I could even hear them indoors.' 2
(Left) Early recruitment poster for the Southdown battalions of the Royal Sussex Regiment
(Centre) The famous "Daddy, What Did YOU Do In the Great War?" recruitment poster
(Right) The start of full-scale conscription on 2 March 1916.
Source: The first verse of 'Sussex by the Sea', written by William Ward Higgs in 1907, and adopted as a marching song of the Royal Sussex Regiment in the First World War.
Source: "Copies of weekly letters of Robert Saunders, headmaster of Fletching School, to his son in Canada" (East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office)
Source for all images: the Imperial War Museum